Clean Annual Water Quality Reports for L.A. and Kern Counties
Once again as in past years the Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency proved its ability to provide top quality water supplies to customers in Los Angeles and Kern counties.
AVEK Directors unanimously approved the 2021 Annual Water Quality Reports to be filed at both counties in compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996.
Laboratory Manager Jordan Wray presented the completed reports to Directors at their board meeting on Tuesday, April 12. She began her presentation by providing the Directors with background information, explaining that the 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act amendments mandated the Consumer Confidence Reports, CCR, ruling to take effect in 1998.
Deadline for completion and filing of the annual reports is July 1 of every year, a target date AVEK will meet after receiving the board’s approval. To ensure that, AVEK staff prepares and distributes the reports in advance, giving customers sufficient time to complete their CCRs.
“We prepare two separate reports – one for LA County and one for Kern County,” Jordan said.
Laboratory staff analyzes specific contaminants as determined by the Vulnerability Assessment and Monitoring Frequency Guidelines that have been developed by the district engineer for the State Water Resources Control Board.
“All results were lower than the standards set by the state,” Jordan said.
Raw and treated water met both state and federal Environmental Protection Agency requirements for regulated contaminants. Results for inorganic contaminants fell below the allowable maximum contaminant levels throughout the year and blending with groundwater kept arsenic levels in certain areas of AVEK’s territory in compliance with regulations.
Volatile Organic Contaminants, VOCs, and Synthetic Organic Contaminants, SOCs, were not detected in every location sampled in 2021, according to Jordan’s report.
Trihalomethanes, THMs, in the distribution systems also remained at low levels. THMs are by-products formed during the water disinfection process when chlorine contacts organic decaying plant matter. AVEK moved away from that process and implemented a geo-purification system.
Furthermore, no coliform was detected. Water systems are required to meet a strict standard for coliform bacteria. Though usually harmless, the presence of coliform in water can indicate disease-causing bacteria. When coliform is found, additional tests are needed to determine whether the bacteria is harmful and if a standard is exceeded the water supplier is duty-bound to notify the public. Particularly people with compromised immune systems, the elderly and infants are at risk.
With a nod to AVEK’s Operations Department, Jordan said, that staff “did a good job last year keeping contaminant levels low.”
In her report to the counties, she stated, “Our goal is, and always has been, to provide to you a safe supply of drinking water.”
To read more about AVEK's water quality and view the reports: