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Stress Happens: Get Help, Don't Go It Alone

When tension builds, for whatever reason, professional help can make a difference between coping or falling to pieces and AVEK has enhanced its employee benefits by offering staff the option of signing up for Modern Health, a tech company that provides mental health care via an online program managed by professional therapists and coaches.

AVEK gained access to Modern Health through its membership with the Association of California Water Agencies Joint Powers Insurance Authority. AVEK employees enrolled in an ACWA JPIA medical plan and their eligible dependents can have access to the program’s offerings intended to “safeguard” an employee’s well-being while also ensuring excellent organizational functioning of the workplace as a whole.

through its membership with the Association of California Water Agencies Joint Powers Insurance Authority. AVEK employees enrolled in an ACWA JPIA medical plan and their eligible dependents can have access to the program’s offerings intended to “safeguard” an employee’s well-being while also ensuring excellent organizational functioning of the workplace as a whole.

Employees who choose to utilize this resource will be assessed by a Modern Health professional to determine their individuals needs and they will be advised of relevant care options. To accomplish that they will be asked pertinent questions during the clinical assessment process, for instance whether they experience moments of anxiety, burnout, an eating disorder, or difficulty concentrating – the source of those distractions and how frequently they occur. In addition, what other challenges an employee faces such as 

family responsibilities or outside relationships.

A representative of Modern Health contends that in today’s world people work longer hours; are confronted with a higher cost-of-living; and they often travel further to and from their workplace – factors which contribute to a higher risk for depression and/or anxiety. Everyday stresses, like traffic jams, impact people in the work force. According to the Modern Health representative “one in three employees” deals with a mental health issue.

Everyone who utilizes the program will have access to 11 one-on-one Coaching and Therapy sessions. However, the limit is eight sessions in a calendar year. Because the program began at AVEK this past September and runs from September 2021 through December 2022 11 sessions have been prorated. Also, an unlimited number of group sessions called the Circles Series is available online, led by therapists and coaches. The Meditations & Programs portion of this plan is called “Loving Kindness.” Communication has not been overlooked, with unlimited texting available. They want to rid all stigmas.


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